Chester Gap Baptist Church

"A church for people to pray passionately, give sacrificially, go confidently to share the Gospel and mature believers."

About Us . . .

Our Pastor . . .

Pastor Paul Strassner

Rev. Paul Strassner

God has blessed our family in such a way that on any given Sunday you’ll find most of us in some kind of service to the church.   As a family in ministry we try to harbor an environment that is exemplary of how God can use you no matter how you are gifted. (read more)

Our Ministries . . .

We have ministries for children, youth, adults, and senior adults. We invite you to visit us for worship and to discover how you can be involved in our ministries at Chester Gap.

Searching for Hope?

We are here to help you as you search for a relationship with Jesus Christ. Click here for more information.