"A church for people to pray passionately, give sacrifically,
go confidently to share the Gospel and mature believers."
Chester Gap Baptist Church is located in Chester Gap, Virginia. We are a Southern Baptist Church.
Chester Gap is an autonomous church. We "voluntarily" affiliate with the Southern Baptist Convention. The Southern Baptist Convention does not have any authority over this church - nor does it have any "ownership" of the assets of the church. We do send (at our discretion) funds to the Southern Baptist Convention because we hold some values that are supported by thousands of churches, and with this partnership, we can do some Kingdom work that we, as a smaller congregation, could not do by ourselves.
Chester Gap adheres to the Southern Baptist Convention Baptist Faith and Message 2000. To read this statement of faith, please click here.
To read about the organization of the church, you are invited to read our Articles of Incorporation which are on file with the Commonwealth of Virginia. To see this document, click here.
If you have any questions about our church, please contact us.